Sunday, March 23, 2014

How to play the piano Accordion .

                                        Hello!   My name is Ivona. I live in Oklahoma City.
From same childhood I like music, singing, accordion.
I can teach you Russian, Polish and playing Accordion for Beginners.
Who has a love of the accordion, can contact through email. It is easy for those who live in Oklahoma.
Now is very interesting time, because we can learn online and via Skype too. But for some, and it is not easy.

Then I have something supportive:

 the most amazing method on how to play the piano accordion!

Accordion virtuoso skill opened the way to this instrument the best concert halls of the world. At the same time national performers often play the accordion, not even knowing the notes. Of course, in order to perform complex classical pieces, takes a long time to learn, and have a good teacher. But learn to play simple melodies and you can own


1.Many folk musicians picked melodies and chords by ear , good accordion design allows it. But the thing you will go much faster if you do learn the notes and simple tonal sequences . Chords in any product placed in a certain order . In this sense, button accordion mechanism and some other instruments arranged very efficiently. Start training with the right hand . Learn the notes and their location on the keyboard. It is like the piano . Sound full octave "to" located below the group of two black keys , "re" - between two black keys , "mi" - above the group , etc. Keep in mind that the accordion is the upper and lowest octaves are often incomplete.

2.Learn how to play simple melodies with one hand. Better if they are written in major keys . Carefully follow the movement of the bellows. In notes usually indicated when fur need stretch or shrink . Keep the air in the instrument was always full of compression is possible only in some cases . Learn to push the fur evenly. Do it slowly at first, then try a different pace .

Accordion Course For Beginners

Private accordion lessons can cost at least $15-$25 per a half hour these days and once you leave your teacher
you are on your own. Over 50 Lessons
The Accordion Course For Beginners E-book covers the following subjects which in themselves each have various sub sections.


Learning to read music
Bass Layout
Keyboard Layout
Note Values
Playing songs
     And   much   more  !
For more information  read     here .

Have a  nice   day.

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